Roof Maintenance Tips

Roof Repairs and Inspection

The first point of protection for your house is the roof. It needs to withstand every type of weather condition all year round.

Minor roof damage can soon escalate causing major issues if it is not properly repaired soon enough. Many roofing contractors offer maintenance inspection services which will highlight any potential problems.

The most common roof materials in the UK are tiles and slate although thatch and shingle tiles are also used.

If you keep your eye on your roof for signs of damage then you can make repairs before the minor damage starts to create more problems.

Your roof has a tough life, protecting you from everything Mother Nature can throw at it, rain, snow, hail, sleet, freezing cold as well as searing hot sunshine.

Differing weather patterns put your roof under a lot of stresses.

Your roof has to move and flex according to the different conditions it faces, and this movement over time can often cause tiles, slates and ridges to become loosened from the cement holding them in place.

Animal, birds and wildlife can often cause damage to cement work, chimneys, ridges etc. which can cause tiles and slates to slip.

Stormy weather will soon blow loose slates and tiles off your roof, causing a danger to people below.

In windy conditions, just a single missing tile or slate can allow in enough wind to lift your whole roof into the street below causing thousands of pounds worth of damage.

Once the flashing around chimneys and brickwork starts to allow moisture in, it will soon begin to breakdown as frosts and rain will crack the cement until it crumbles.

If allowed to fall into disrepair, wooden fascias will rot and decay, causing further damage to your roof trusses. These support your main roof structure and are expensive to repair.

Because we generally don’t go near our roofs, we tend to take them for granted until they cause a problem. Quite often a little roof maintenance by a reputable roofing contractor would have prevented a large repair bill or insurance claim.

It makes sound economic sense to maintain your property to protect the investment you have made. With your roof, a stitch in time really does save nine.

An annual roof inspection will give you the piece of mind to get through the worst winter months, safe in the knowledge that your roof is safe and secure.

Winter weather often reveals weaknesses in your roof structure, an annual inspection will reassure you that your home is watertight and ready for winter.