8 Secrets To Google Traffic

Restore/Build Your Google Traffic

Which algorithm update has affected your site, Panda or Penguin? Knowing whether it was Penguin or Panda that affected your site will make fixing your rankings easier.

Penguin was launched around the 24th April 2012 so traffic drops near this date indicate that Penguin is responsible.

You will also notice that the keywords you have used the most in your back-link anchor text are the ones penalized the hardest. To see the most used phrases in your back-links, use the free SEO tool at majesticseo.com.

Before you start trying to improve your search engine optimisation, it is vital that you understand why your rankings have dropped. Request an SEO site audit from SEO³ SEO Agency, without that information it is difficult to know what you need to work on.

Back-Link Structure

Penguin looks at the keyword density of each exact match keyword and these need to be 5% or lower. The bulk of your link anchor text should be URL links, brand links or junk links.

Brand links are variations of either your website name or registered company name. Use various kinds of domain addresses for your URL link creation.

Getting links from different Class C IP addresses is really important for your back-linking strategy. Links tend to be more powerful if they originate from web sites with content relevant to your site. The best performing backlinks will transform your google rankings, but only if they are built properly. Get the best quality links from OWL www.one-way-links.co.uk and you will have a winning strategy.

The sites that link to sites linking to you are assessed for quality by Google, for this reason, look for a good ‘trust’ score for your linking. Link from pages that have links pointing to them are more powerful than unlinked to pages. Links on pages that themselves have established back-links are the best links to get.

Use either ahrefs.com or majestic.com to analyse your backlinks.

Use of Link Farms

Automated linking networks are never a source of good quality back-links. Avoid them at all costs.

If you use or have ever used an SEO firm to build back-links for you, you should check out how they built them, because many companies use low cost networks to create affordable links.

Sooner or later Google will identify any commercial link networks you may be using and will penalise all the sites linked to through those networks…… This is only going to become a bigger issue in the months and years to come as Google works to improve the quality and value of link juice.

If you are serious about getting your site in front of large volumes of highly targeted traffic, talk to Deeho SEO & create high quality backlinks on sites that are trusted and valued by Google. Ask Deeho Ltd how they can help you to create the best quality links, relevant to your business niche.

On-Page SEO

Don’t go mad with your content keyword density, less really is more for the new Panda algorithm so strive for around 2%.

An external link from your site to a .gov or .edu authority site is a good SEO factor.

The content on your page works in conjunction with the quality and cleanliness of your web design to provide Google with a quality value for your website.

Your Web Content

You don’t need to be Wordsworth to create great content!

Good quality, well-written and genuinely unique content is the only content that you can publish on your site. Google like it when you link from within your content using keywords in the text to other information pages on your site or to external ‘authority’ domains.

How to Use Media

Use pictures where you can to break up any large blocks of your content. A picture genuinely does tell one thousand words, so use them to get your message across. Videos are helpful too and also are very effective to increase the time that your online visitors spend on your website.

Host your videos on YouTube and embed the code into your webpage content as required.

Make sure that you use the image alt text attribute to include keyword and phrases describing each image. Vary the keywords used.All images on your pages ought to have alt text that describes the picture using a variety of keywords and phrases for each image.

Your web site quality score will be affected should you have spelling errors, grammatical mistakes or bad punctuation. Make sure you use a spell checker on all your new website content before you publish it. Our research indicates that there is an advantage to be had for writing over 500 words of quality content.

You should draft your content for the benefit of prospective customers, not for search engines. There is no point writing for search engines alone, because when real people reach your content they won’t stay long.

It is good practice to use different terms with the same meaning throughout your content because this making your writing appear more natural. Google associates those terms using latent semantic indexing (LSI).

Applying SEO to your site in the right structure is very important and not only affects your Google rankings, but also has an impact on your other internet marketing activities, social marketing, pay per click (Adwords) campaigns, viral traffic generation.

Meta Description Tags

You need to use bespoke meta data on every page of your site. If you have duplicate tags on different pages then your site will be penalized in the search engine results. Meta description tags are often used below your page title in the search engine results.

A interesting description tag will increase the amount of clicks you receive which will improve your user engagement score in Google.

Your site content

Slow loading websites never show up in Google’s results so make sure that your site has a fast load speed, otherwise you won’t get the rankings you deserve.

If your site isn’t fully responsive, presenting optimized content for different screen sizes and mobile devices, you won’t appear on mobile searches which are more than half of all Google traffic! Get your site optimized for mobile by CRWD Mobile Responsive Design Experts.

The total number of visitors that don’t like your website content when they arrive and instantly hit the back button represents your bounce rate. This must be as small as possible, but a maximum of 55%.

Page Views

Your site quality can be gauged using average page views per visitor. The more pages that your site visitors click on, the better your content is considered to be.

You can increase your Google traffic by improving the average time that visitors spend on your website. Google relates time on site with content quality and relevance.

Google SEO tutorials & training from seo-trainingcourses.com will give you more information about each of these elements and how you can maximise the impact that your website has online.